19-09-2022 15:29
by Willi Fast

Russia - IMPORTANT UPDATE - License of the U.S. Treasury Department on payment in Russia of taxes, legal fees and other official fees

On September 8, 2022, the U.S. Department of the Treasury issued GENERAL LICENSE NO. 13B, which extends the authorization to its citizens and to companies, which are controlled by Americans or of which Americans have shares, to pay in Russia taxes, legal fees and other official fees. This license remains in force until December 7, 2022, it replaces the previous GENERAL LICENSE NO. 13A, issued on May 25, and expiring on September 30, 2022. 


Apart from completing the above operations, American citizens in Russia are temporarily allowed to obtain permissions, licenses, registrations or certificates with conducting payments in the favor of Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the National Wealth Fund and the Ministry of Finance, if they are conducted in the usual manner and are necessary for daily life.

As already noted in our news feed earlier, in the context of the above information, the U.S. Department of the Treasury on May 5, 2022 issued General License No. 31, which authorizes certain IP-related transactions in Russia that would otherwise be prohibited by the Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR part 587 (RuHSR), specifically after June 23, 2022. The authorized transactions include:

  1. The filing and prosecution of any application to obtain a patent, trademark, copyright, or other form of intellectual property protection;
  2. The receipt of a patent, trademark, copyright, or other form of intellectual property protection;
  3. The renewal or maintenance of a patent, trademark, copyright, or other form of intellectual property protection; and
  4. The filing and prosecution of any opposition or infringement proceeding with respect to a patent, trademark, copyright, or other form of intellectual property protection, or the entrance of a defense to any such proceeding.

In short, the general license authorizes, without limitation in time, the filing and prosecution of any application to obtain a patent, trademark, or copyright, as well as the renewal and maintenance fees, and also litigations in connection with patents, trademarks copyrights and other IP rights.

However, clause (b) explicitly stipulates that the general license does not authorize opening or maintaining of a correspondent account or payable-through account. Also, the general license does not authorize any debit to an account on the books of a U.S. financial institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Such methods of payment could probably represent a route by means of which, e.g., internationally operating annuity providers could make their payments of annuity fees to the Russian Patent Office. IP owners should therefore seek confirmation from their Annuity providers that they can pay annuities without violation of the US sanctions, specifically under consideration of General License No. 31 of May 5, 2022, clauses (b)(1) to (b)(3).

Similarly, Patent Attorneys and Patent Attorney law firms involved in the prosecution of IP rights before the Russian Patent Office should double check that their payment mode for the official fees does not involve any of the options itemized under clause (b) of General License No. 31.




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