Russia - Euromarkpat Attends 26th Annual Conference on Current Issues of IP Protection
The 26th Annual Conference entitled "Current issues of IP Protection", organized by the Russian Chamber of Patent Atttorneys, took place in Moscow from November 23 to November 26, 2021.
This conference is one of the major events for IP specialists from Russian-speaking countries and plays an important role in the exchange of information with colleagues from Russia and abroad. This year's conference was attended by participants from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, and the US.
Euromarkpat was represented by:

Marina Grineva (Trademark Attorney, Partner, Euromarkpat Moscow)
Roundtable Moderator - "Distinctive Signs: Problems in Theory and Practice"

Veronika Odintsova (lawyer, trademark attorney, Euromarkpat Moscow)
Speaker - "The practice of the Appeals Commission of Rospatent: What patent attorneys and candidate should be aware of"

Anna Scheuermann (lawyer, trademark specialist, Euromarkpat Munich)
Roundtable Moderator - "Distinctive Signs: Problems in Theory and Practice"